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Rise & Gather

November 2020

RISE & GATHER: a love centered invitation for QTBIPOC to collect, connect and create through writing and movement. standing by and with each other as we gather.


Facilitated by Aysha Upchurch & Amanda Torres

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Rise & Gather: Project

Rise & Gather | Episode 2

Light & Love for Now and a Future in Freedom

Aysha & Amanda center Lucille Clifton's "Let there be new flowering" to invite us to remember love is the beginning, the throughline, and the end as we whether uncertainty now and strive for freedom.

Rise & Gather: Video

Rise & Gather | Episode 1

Re-Membering our Ancestors and Collective Body-Centered Practices

Aysha & Amanda center Dia de los Muertos and text from Resmaa Menakem to call on ancestors, joy, and liberation through text and movement

Rise & Gather: Video
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